Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Part 3: Understanding Chef Cookbook/Recipe

This article will help you in installing packages on system via chef recipe.

Please refer my previous article on chef:

Part 1Install/Setup and configure Chef Server/Workstation/Node on CentOS/RHEL 6.4
Part 2Understanding Chef Cookbook/Recipe.

I) Extending existing Cookbook (cookbook-test) and configure a recipe for deploying Packages.
  1. Login to Workstation node which have knife configured.
  2. Lets say you have not yet install sendmail on your system, check it out using following command:
       # rpm -qa | grep -v grep | grep -i sendmail
    Note: In case if sendmail is installed and you want to delete it please refer to my rpm page.
  3. Now lets create a recipe for a sendmail package.
       # vim /usr/local/src/chef/cookbooks/cookbook-test/recipes/sendmail.rb
         package 'sendmail' do
            action :install
  4. To upload a cookbook (cookbook-test) use following command:
       # knife upload cookbooks cookbook-test
  5. Once we have upload the cookbook, now is the time to associate it with a Node using “run_list” Knife option:
       # knife node run_list add node1.example.com recipe[cookbook-test::sendmail]
  6. Now login to machine “node1.example.com” and run the following command:
       # chef-client
         Starting Chef Client, version 11.6.2
         [2013-10-25T22:05:20-07:00] INFO: *** Chef 11.6.2 ***
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[cookbook-test], recipe[cookbook-test::sendmail]]
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Run List expands to [cookbook-test, cookbook-test::sendmail]
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for node1.example.com
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Running start handlers
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
         resolving cookbooks for run list: ["cookbook-test", "cookbook-test::sendmail"]
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [cookbook-test]
         Synchronizing Cookbooks:
         [2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/cookbook-test/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
           - cookbook-test
         Compiling Cookbooks...
         Converging 3 resources
         Recipe: cookbook-test::default
           * group[system-admins] action create[2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Processing group[system-admins] action create (cookbook-test::default line 9)
          (up to date)
           * user[sachin] action create[2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Processing user[sachin] action create (cookbook-test::default line 13)
          (up to date)
        Recipe: cookbook-test::sendmail
           * package[sendmail] action install[2013-10-25T22:05:22-07:00] INFO: Processing package[sendmail] action install (cookbook-test::sendmail line 1)
         [2013-10-25T22:06:14-07:00] INFO: package[sendmail] installing sendmail-8.14.4-8.el6 from base repository
             - install version 8.14.4-8.el6 of package sendmail
         [2013-10-25T22:06:28-07:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 66.492800835 seconds
         [2013-10-25T22:06:28-07:00] INFO: Running report handlers
         [2013-10-25T22:06:28-07:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
         Chef Client finished, 1 resources updated
  7. Check the sendmail rpm is installed on the system.
       # rpm -qa | grep -i send
II) Now update the recipe to start the service after installing the sendmail package.
  1. Login to Workstation node which have knife configured.
  2. Edit the recipe file as per following rule:
       # vim /usr/local/src/chef/cookbooks/cookbook-test/recipes/sendmail.rb
         package 'sendmail' do
            action :install
         service 'sendmail' do
            action [ :enable,:start ]
  3. To upload a cookbook (cookbook-test) use following command:
       # knife upload cookbooks cookbook-test
  4. Now login to machine “node1.example.com” and run the following command and check the output of this command:
       # chef-client
         Recipe: system-users::sendmail
           * package[sendmail] action install[2013-10-28T04:12:05-07:00] INFO: Processing package[sendmail] action install (system-users::sendmail line 1)
          (up to date)
           * service[sendmail] action enable[2013-10-28T04:12:10-07:00] INFO: Processing service[sendmail] action enable (system-users::sendmail line 5)
          (up to date)
           * service[sendmail] action start[2013-10-28T04:12:11-07:00] INFO: Processing service[sendmail] action start (system-users::sendmail line 5)
         [2013-10-28T04:12:11-07:00] INFO: service[sendmail] started
             - start service service[sendmail]
    NOTE: Please check the comment marked in red.
III) Now update the recipe to delete the sendmail package.
  1. Login to Workstation node which have knife configured.
  2. Edit the recipe file as per following rule:
       # vim /usr/local/src/chef/cookbooks/cookbook-test/recipes/sendmail.rb
         package 'sendmail' do
            action :remove
  3. To upload a cookbook (cookbook-test) use following command:
       # knife upload cookbooks cookbook-test
  4. Now login to machine “node1.example.com” and run the following command and check the output of this command:
       # chef-client
         Recipe: system-users::sendmail
           * package[sendmail] action remove[2013-10-28T04:16:59-07:00] INFO: Processing package[sendmail] action remove (system-users::sendmail line 1)
         [2013-10-28T04:17:09-07:00] INFO: package[sendmail] removed
             - remove  package sendmail

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